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How does Fifa Ultimate Team work

This little guide could help especially those who have never really dealt with FIFA Ultimate Team before. Here you will find everything you need to know about the most popular mode in FIFA, ie. FUT.


What is FIFA Ultimate Team?

As every year, a new FIFA will be launched at the end of September. The excitement is always high and expectations increase from year to year. The most popular mode in every FIFA part is the Ultimate Team. In the Ultimate Team you can build your own team with players from many possible leagues / nations, but you have to pay attention to the chemistry that results from the players when building your team. In the following I will show you how chemistry works in Fifa Ultimate Team.


How does the Ultimate Team Chemistry work?

The goal of every FUT player must be to bring his / her team to a chemistry of 100. Ideally, every single player has a chemistry of 10, even if this cannot always be realized. Basically, the higher the better. But don't make the mistake of underestimating the impact of chemistry on your team's performance. Many beginners believe that chemistry is something of a myth that has hardly any influence on the skills of the players anyway and build a dream team with their favorite players without paying attention to the chemistry. But that is a fatal mistake. You could even say that chemistry is the most important thing when building your team.

The team chemistry is shown in the team management, where you set up your team, at the top right of the screen. You can read the individual chemistry of the player on the right under the player picture. The higher the chemical values, the better the skills of your players. The influence of player chemistry on skills is 75 percent. Team chemistry accounts for the remaining 25 percent. The individual chemistry of each player is added to create the team's total chemistry value: chemistry player 1 + chemistry player 2 + ... chemistry player 11 = team chemistry. The sum of the chemistry of all eleven players then results in the team chemistry. In theory, you could get a team chemistry of 110, but the maximum is 100.


The chemistry of a single player is affected by two factors:

  • His connections (links) with teammates
  • His position

The basic idea in building your team is to line up players that match in three ways:

  • League
  • Society
  • Nationality

If you want to connect two players in your team, it's shown with a link.

The colors of the connecting lines give you an orientation guide as to whether everything fits in with chemistry:

  • Red
  • Green
  • Orange

Each of the three colors has a different meaning. The red color means that none of the above factors (nation, team, league) match. The green color is used if the league and nation of the two players are the same or if they play in the same team. Orange means that the players have only the same nation or in the same league but do not play both at the same time.

A green link can be divided again into:

  • strong link
  • perfect link

A strong link is when, as you can guess, if two of the factors mentioned match. The two players either belong to the same nation and league or play in the same club with different nationalities.

A perfect link is when all three factors match. For example, Manuel Neuer and Niklas Süle form a perfect connection because they both play in the same league (Bundesliga), belong to the same nation (Germany) and play in the same club (FC Bayern).

If you want to bring a player to the full chemistry, it is ultimately a question of having only orange or green connections or balancing red connections with green connections. If a player has only orange links, he gets the full chemistry. However, a red link must always be balanced with a green link. A Perfect Link can even balance two red connections.

Here is a small diagram where you can have the maximum value of a player in the respective position:

Player Position Chemistry Chart FIFA

For example, if you have a player who is on the market as MS, the ST only has 9 chemicals in the respective position. The question is, how can you solve this problem? Quite simply, there are position conversion cards on the transfer market that you can buy, using a few thousand FIFA 20 Coins, and then give them to your players as consumables. So an MS (Griezmann) comes as ST with full chemistry. But if you do not currently have any FIFA Coins in your account, there are two other ways to get an MS in the ST position on full chemistry.

The first option is through a suitable manager in your squad. To do this, the manager needs the same nation as the player or the manager must have the same league as your player.

The second option is the loyalty bonus, which the player receives if you have bought it from a pack or an SBC or if you have played more than 10 games with the player. Then you could put the player on striker even though his card is MS and he knows 10 chemistry.


That's how team chemistry works

For all those who want to know exactly, here we present the "Chemistry Formula" at FIFA Ultimate Team, which EA Sports introduced in September 2016 to create more transparency. This formula shows you the effective impact of a player's "total chemistry" on player attributes.

In a formula, the whole thing is expressed as follows:

  • (team chemistry x 0.25) + ((player chemistry x 10) x 0.75) = total chemistry of a player

The following applies:

  • If the result is greater than 50, a player's attributes improve up to a maximum of 99.
  • If the result is exactly 50, nothing changes and the players keep their base values.
  • If the result is less than 50, the attributes of a player decline to a minimum of 1.

Example 1:

Starting eleven players with a team chemistry of 100 and a player chemistry of 10:

  • (100 x 0.25) + ((10 x 10) x 0.75) = 25 + 75 = 100 (99)

The result here is 100 or reaches the maximum value of 99. Accordingly, the attributes of a player are greatly upgraded.

Example 2:

Substitute with a team chemistry of 100 and a player chemistry of 5:

  • (100 x 0.25) + ((5 x 10) x 0.75) = 25 + 37.5 = 62.5

The result is 62.5. A player's attributes are easily upgraded.

There is a way to give your players better values ​​with chemistry styles.


How do the chemistry styles work for players?

On the transfer market there is the possibility to buy your player a chemistry style to improve their values. If you have the player in the current team, you can see which values ​​improve or deteriorate depending on the player's chemistry. Here is a list of all possible chemistry styles in Fifa 20.

Chemistry Styles FIFA-20

Each of the Chemistry Style listed pushes different values ​​from the players. For example, a hawk (pace, shooting and physique), but anchor (tempo, defensive and physique). Everyone pushes different values ​​and areas of application for attack, midfield or defense. The most popular are Hunter (pace and shot) and Shadow (pace and defense), which also cost a lot of FIFA Coins.

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