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How Many FIFA Coins Will I Win per Match

FIFA Ultimate Team allows you to build your dream team using the legends like Cristiano Ronaldo, Pele, and other pro footballers in the same starting XI. Since these players cost a lot of in-game currency, most fans want to set them as their long-term goal in FIFA 22 and start collecting coins from their weekly FUT matches.
Match Coins Awarded (MCA) is the FUT coins you earn every time you complete an Ultimate Team match. Depending on your performance such as how much time you played, the number of goals you scored, accuracy during the match, etc. the amount of the match coins will be calculated. So, according to the official following formula, you can calculate how many FUT coins you will earn per match:

  • Skill Rewards Total (Skill Rewards x Multiplier) + Completion Award + Season/Competition Reward + Coin Boost

Here we're going to explain how each of these terms works so that you could start working on your skills and get more FUT 23 coins in the following matches.

Skill Rewards

Basically, based on a player's performance (negative or positive) your skill rewards will be calculated. For example, if your player performs a decent play (goals, possession, corners, passing accuracy, etc), you will be rewarded with FUT coins and if his performance was bad, there will be coin deductions.

fifa 22 skill moves fifa coins multiplier rewards

To be sure what the positive and negative performances are, we gathered a table that shows how it works. 

Goals 40 5 200
Successful Tackles 1 20 20
Pass Accuracy % 1 80 80
Clean Sheets 75 1 75
Corners 5 10 50
Possession % 1 80 80
Man of the Match Winner 15 1 15
Shots on Target 5 10 50
Cards -10 8 -80
Offsides -1 15 -15
Goals Against -20 4 -80
Fouls -5 4 -20

In the table, the green performances are dedicated as positive ones which have coin additions and the red ones are negative performances with coin deductions.


The Multiplier is a ratio with the objective to balance games of different quality levels. This means you will get greater FUT coin bonuses comparing to those playing easier games. The difficulty will be estimated based on the game mode and the opponent’s quality (the opponent’s squad rating in online matches and difficulty level on a single player). For online matches, the multiplier is known as DNF Multiplier.

DNF Multiplier 

The DNF (Did not finished) Multiplier is a ratio that measures the number of unfinished matches, as well as the importance and difficulty of the different game modes and opponents. This is a way to punish the players who forfeit games regularly. So, the more games they forfeit, the more FUT coins will be deduced from them in the final rewards.

For example, if one of the players will be disconnected due to a poor internet connection in the middle of a match and the match would be interrupted because of that, EA's system will evaluate the event to distinguish the responsible and punish them with a coin loss, spend on contracts, and DNF reduction. So it's necessary to make sure of your connection before you start a match.

DNF is set to 1 by default and each time the match ends before the 90 minutes, due to losing the connection, the system identifies the player who was the reason for the interruption and punishes them in 0.25 points. The player who has got DNF below 1, will get a 0.02 points bonus for every game they finish without interruptions.
The DNF is only true for online matches because forfeiting against computers won't affect your game experience. Your DNF will only reduce itself in the case of disconnections.

Calculating the Multiplier

The multiplier depends on the game mode you played, so your first DNF Multiplier can be one of the following values: 0.25, 0.36, 0.42, 0.50, 0.60, 0,63, 0.88, 0.93, 1.00, and 1.13.
For each time that you quit a game, DNF Multiplier will penalize you by dropping 0.25 x A points ("A" value depends on the game mode), and for each time that you successfully finish a match, the DNF Multiplier rises 0.02 x A per match. It means you either receive fewer or higher FIFA coins.

The Multiplier is the most complicated part of the Match Coins Awarded calculation, so let's review another example to be more clearer.
Assuming that you never forfeit an online match and when you play FUT Rivals, your DNF Multiplier is 0.63. After an online game, you decide to play a single-player and you notice your DNF went from 0.63 to 0.36. The reason is simply that the system assessments the game difficulty and since a single-player is easier to win, it sets a lower multiplier for you. So right after that if you back to playing another online match, your DNF multiplier will be back at 0.63.
If you don't want to be stuck at a low DNF multiplier and therefore coin loss at the end of every match, we recommend that you pay extra attention to your connection before an online match starts.

Completion Reward

325 FUT coins will be given as your completion award. Although, the amount of coins depends on your match mode and the fact that you need to play the whole game (90 minutes) and do not forfeit. Those who do not leave a match or cause an interruption will have a completion award. This is how the reward is being calculated:

  • Completion Award = 325 * Minutes Played / 90

Faster ways to get FIFA Coins

Participating in Division Rivals and Squad Battles is a guaranteed way for weekly coin rewards. You need to complete some placement matches and as you perform better, you will receive better rewards at the end of each week. If you still looking for an alternative way for making more FIFA coins, you can consider buying FIFA coins from reliable websites like WhatsGaming. We guarantee a safe and fast coin transaction in which neither of the EA rules will be broken and you will receive your coins via legal methods.
You can find great deals such as coin giveaways and FUT event discount codes from WhatsGaming website and Instagram page.

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